So, here she is. My indecision (and utter awe) forced me to put up three photos of Chantal Sutherland. I really wanted to put up a hundred of her because once I started looking I couldn't stop. She's an amazing jockey, doing her best in a sport that is only 10% women. To quote her, "Long term I want to be in the Derby, and I want to be in the Breeders' Cup. I'm looking for those horses and praying and asking the universe that it will show me the way and find those horses for me. I love this game, and I want those experiences. I just love what I do. I love when you are on a horse that just wants to run and they are true warriors and champions. It's so inspiring"
And so are you, Chantal. I can't get enough of
this story.
She's hot!@!!